Arches Sunset – Dead Horse Point Sunrise


Remember we took a trip to Arches to scout out some spots for photography ?  We decided after checking the weather report and watching the skies that March 11th was a good day to try for sunset shots at Arches .   So off we went.  When we entered the park we saw some promising skies starting to get that late in the day glow.  And the large white puffy clouds were encouraging too.



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By the time we got near the spot we wanted to be , near Balancing Rock, those gorgeous clouds were turning into a memory.  The skies were starting to streak with those clouds that look like a pre cursor to rain.  Only a few puffy clouds, slowly disappearing.

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We positioned ourselves so that we could watch the setting sun, crossed our fingers and prayed for some color in the skies.  So far it was blue, yellow and just a tint of orange.

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There were numerous photographers who packed up and left shortly after this shot.  I keep sticking around, because you know just when you think the sunset is over, well Mother Nature does her thing and surprises you.  But the longer we waited the longer things remained the same so we started to head back to our campground.

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The entire time Jim was driving I kept looking in the mirror and when I spotted a hint of pink in the skies I had him pullover, took a shot and then said we need to go back-it’s turning-it’s going to be incredible.


As we climbed the hill to the plateau we just left we came around some boulders and there it was-the sky was on fire.

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We couldn’t believe how fortunate we were to witness this- the most incredible streak of set me on fire sky !


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As the sun quickly set I grabbed one more shot and then we headed home.  Lesson learned, always stick around even if you think the show is over-it’s not !

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Sunrise, Dead Horse Point State Park

So on March 11th we went to bed with visions of that fiery sky.  On March 20th we decided it would be a good day to make the trip to Dead Horse Point State Park-about a 25 mile drive from our camp site.  We got up really early and timed our arrival to just a bit before sunrise.  As we worked our way to the overlook we could see the sky lighting up with those orange and pink sunrise colors.  I jumped out of the van, grabbed my camera and tripod and took off for the cliffs.


At this time of day, Dead Horse Point is gorgeous.  Before the sun starts to hit the cliffs and canyons they are glowing with the colors of the sunrise.  Then they turn a little flat in color before the rays of the sun start to strike them.  It’s like watching the curtains being  lifted and this beautiful panorama comes out of hiding to glow and bask in the rising sun.




I worked my way up the trail along the edge of cliffs, wanting a good spot but not wanting to waste time and lose the light.  It was amazing to watch the colors change.




What an incredible way to start the day.  The next time we return to Moab we plan on staying a week at the campground in the park just to watch canyons and the light play on the canyon walls.

Being able to see something like this – well it’s just overwhelming and I feel so grateful and so very blessed. Enjoy the view my friends, Happy Trails and Safe Travels.

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